Bro. Richard Allison II, Basileus

Over the past three or four years, the Brothers of Gamma Pi Chapter have had their minds and eyes set on March 2023. With a purple circle around that period on the calendar, the members of the chapter could hardly contain themselves thinking ahead to the upcoming biggest milestone in Gamma Pi Chapter history – the 50th Anniversary. When that date arrived on March 5th, Gamma Pi was ready with a collective series of activities to mark the anniversary during that weekend.
Chapter Worship at Symbolic Site
On Sunday, March 5th, more than 150 members of The Super Chapter gathered for worship service and a “photo for the ages” at the First Baptist Church of Highland Park in Landover, Md. The church is significant in Gamma Pi’s history, as the facility was the site of early chapter meetings as well as social action events that were organized by the 21 charter members. Several of the 16 surviving charter members attended the special church service with the chapter.
Anniversary Brunch
Later that day, Gamma Pi, with many of the surviving charter members in tow, hosted a 50th Anniversary brunch, also for Brothers and their families, at a private catering club in Waldorf, Md. More than 200 people attended the afternoon-long affair, which included speeches by the charter members and perspectives from other Brothers. Plates were piled high with fine foods and the air was filled with reminiscences of the early days of Gamma Pi along with pride and amazement at how the chapter has grown into the third largest in the Fraternity with more than 290 members and has become an active leader in the local community in Prince George’s County and in serving the Mighty Second District.
After greetings from Chapter Basileus Bro. Richard Allison II, Vice Basileus Eric Fields and Anniversary Chairman Bro. Maurice Calhoun; Bro. Immediate Past Basileus Steven Walls gave a stirring history lesson about Gamma Pi chapter, backdropped by the impact of social issues of the time like the Vietnam War and the civil rights struggle.
"This is really great and I never for the life of me thought that 50 years after we chartered Gamma Pi that we would be standing here today,” said Bro. Tim McIntosh, Gamma Pi’s first Basileus. He is one of the most active charter members today.
Recording Memories to TV
The Super Chapter also used the 50th Anniversary to embark on a more ambitious project for the historic occasion. On March 15th, a crew of Brothers representing the chapter’s Public Relations Committee served as on-air host, guests and as the on-site technical studio crew for the recording of the first of a two-part community television special on Gamma Pi’s 50th Anniversary. The second taping will take place in mid- April.
For the past several years, Gamma Pi has produced and hosted a local television public affairs show, “Community UPLIFT,” on local cable TV available to Comcast and Verizon customers. The anniversary show is an offshoot of the “Community UPLIFT’ program. For the first show in the series, Basilei from the founding days were interviewed. For the second show, Basilei from more recent years will be interviewed. The shows will air independently.
More To Come
Gamma Pi Chapter Pi is not yet finished with the anniversary observance. In fact, the anniversary committee remains intact while The Super Chapter plans a big 50th Anniversary Gala in November around the time of Achievement Week. Stay tuned for additional information.
“It’s an honor to be Basileus during this historic time,” said Bro. Basileus Allison. “Along with all of the other Brothers in Gamma Pi, I am in awe of our founders and their Perseverance. All of us are excited about where Gamma Pi is heading for the next 50 years.”
Chapter Worship at Symbolic Site
On Sunday, March 5th, more than 150 members of The Super Chapter gathered for worship service and a “photo for the ages” at the First Baptist Church of Highland Park in Landover, Md. The church is significant in Gamma Pi’s history, as the facility was the site of early chapter meetings as well as social action events that were organized by the 21 charter members. Several of the 16 surviving charter members attended the special church service with the chapter.
Anniversary Brunch
Later that day, Gamma Pi, with many of the surviving charter members in tow, hosted a 50th Anniversary brunch, also for Brothers and their families, at a private catering club in Waldorf, Md. More than 200 people attended the afternoon-long affair, which included speeches by the charter members and perspectives from other Brothers. Plates were piled high with fine foods and the air was filled with reminiscences of the early days of Gamma Pi along with pride and amazement at how the chapter has grown into the third largest in the Fraternity with more than 290 members and has become an active leader in the local community in Prince George’s County and in serving the Mighty Second District.
After greetings from Chapter Basileus Bro. Richard Allison II, Vice Basileus Eric Fields and Anniversary Chairman Bro. Maurice Calhoun; Bro. Immediate Past Basileus Steven Walls gave a stirring history lesson about Gamma Pi chapter, backdropped by the impact of social issues of the time like the Vietnam War and the civil rights struggle.
"This is really great and I never for the life of me thought that 50 years after we chartered Gamma Pi that we would be standing here today,” said Bro. Tim McIntosh, Gamma Pi’s first Basileus. He is one of the most active charter members today.
Recording Memories to TV
The Super Chapter also used the 50th Anniversary to embark on a more ambitious project for the historic occasion. On March 15th, a crew of Brothers representing the chapter’s Public Relations Committee served as on-air host, guests and as the on-site technical studio crew for the recording of the first of a two-part community television special on Gamma Pi’s 50th Anniversary. The second taping will take place in mid- April.
For the past several years, Gamma Pi has produced and hosted a local television public affairs show, “Community UPLIFT,” on local cable TV available to Comcast and Verizon customers. The anniversary show is an offshoot of the “Community UPLIFT’ program. For the first show in the series, Basilei from the founding days were interviewed. For the second show, Basilei from more recent years will be interviewed. The shows will air independently.
More To Come
Gamma Pi Chapter Pi is not yet finished with the anniversary observance. In fact, the anniversary committee remains intact while The Super Chapter plans a big 50th Anniversary Gala in November around the time of Achievement Week. Stay tuned for additional information.
“It’s an honor to be Basileus during this historic time,” said Bro. Basileus Allison. “Along with all of the other Brothers in Gamma Pi, I am in awe of our founders and their Perseverance. All of us are excited about where Gamma Pi is heading for the next 50 years.”
Photos by Bros.Raphael Terrell and George DuBose
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Gamma Pi Chapter is an unincorporated association of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.